The table below shows the gemstones that bring the most luck to the corresponding Zodiac signs:

     ARIES the Ram  21 March -20 April 
     TAURUS the Bull  21 April -21 May  
     GEMINI the Twins  22 May -21 June  
Moonstone , Pearl
     CANCER the Crab  22 June -22 July
     LEO the Lion  23 July -23 August  
Olivine (Peridot)
     VIRGO the Virgin  24 August -23 September  
     LIBRA the Scales  24 September -23 October  
Opal , Tourmaline
     SCORPIO the Scorpion  24 October -22 November  
Topaz , Citrine
     SAGITTARIUS the Archer  23 November -21 December  
     CAPRICORN the Goat  22 December -20 January  
     AQUARIUS the Water-Carrier  21 January -19 February  
     PISCES the Fish  20 February -20 March  
Haematite , Aquamarine


Apart from the abovementioned ones, suitable for:

  • fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Carneol, Obsidian, Ruby;
  • earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo): Agate, Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite and Turquoise;
  • water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpion): Opal, as well as Coral and Pearls;
  • air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra): Aquamarine, Amethyst and Mountain Crystal.




/traditional and cultural beliefs/

AQUAMARINE = blue BERYL – Transparent gemstone for meditation, peace and tranquillity. It brings hope (it is good to be given as a present to people in depression). It brings luck to sailors – a mystical stone strongly associated with the ocean.


AMETHYST – lilac QUARTZ An amethyst medallion (pendant) controls temperament. It is said to dissolve blood clots, improve breathing, cure headache and toothache; it helps you think clearly and keeps your partner faithful. If you put an amethyst under your pillow, it will bring you good dreams. Other beliefs associate amethyst with alcohol – for example, for immunity to getting drunk. It is called ‘bishop’s stone’ because bishops wore it. The reason is that it cures the soul and brings peace.


AGATE – a lot of kinds, where many of them are non- or semi-transparent. It brings luck associated with ‘the third eye’ and symbolises the love of man for the good.

Green agate – brings abundance, luck, prosperity and long life. It helps you breathe better and improves the eyesight. It is also said to be a stone helping for fertility and sterility. When it is with moss-like patterns, it brings good agricultural crop.

Fire agate – helps suppress diabetes and strengthens spiritualism.

Gray agate – It helps keep your head and chase away fear; helps when you have a stiff neck and a catarrhal fever; protects you against snakes and poisons and is a protection for children. It helps for good career and protects against intriguers.


GARNET – semi-transparent magenta through dark-red to black gemstone. It is full of powers: gives you friendship, big-heartedness and long life; removes acne and tumours; makes you creative, protects from bad wishes. It is an amulet and protects against evil. When you wear it, it brings true love and fidelity.


DIAMOND – means invincible. It can be from water clear to opaque. The colourings result from the presence of other elements in the crystal lattice of carbon. Some people say it is the gemstone with the greatest power, symbolising the sun and the invisible fire. It helps cure eye diseases; protects against bad dreams. If it is clear, it corresponds to true love and if it is opaque, to corruption. This gemstone is good to wear if there are confrontations. It brings exceptional endurance.


CARNEOL = red AGATE or CHALCEDONY. It helps the body absorb vitamins, minerals and other ingredients; protects against spiders and scorpions, and against the evil eye. If its shape is triangular, it cures the stomach and the lungs, stops nosebleeds. It enhances the joy of life, gives courage and motivation.


LAPIS LAZULI – a rock containing LASURITE, SODALITE and CALCITE. CALCITE, which is a soft, white, yellow or pink mineral, brings changes in the nuance and hardness. If you wear it, you will be always loved. It helps one experience intimacy with God; attracts luck and removes depression; it is good for the eyes. This mixed crystal, which is sometimes called paradise stone, brings great power.


MOONSTONE – milk-white through slightly orange to colourless. White is the colour filled with the most energy. In the same way, the white MOONSTONE brings the greatest power, which enhances when mixed with pearls. It supports the striving for spiritual leadership. It may bring you interesting experiences and helps you have wonderful future. It brings happiness to people in love, supports true love. A very feminine stone – it helps women at childbirth, sooths headache and stops nosebleeds. It reduces and removes swelling from fluids and helps fight cancer.



MALACHITE – green to dark-green, opaque. It is similar to AZURITE and can be seen together with it; alleviates labour pain. It protects little children and relieves their aches during teething; protects against the evil eye. Heart-shaped MALACHITE helps cure a broken heart.


OBSIDIAN – volcanic glass, i.e. amorphous mineral. Its most common variety is black, in ‘snowy’ spots. It brings cleansing and transformation, gives you insight and great internal resistance in the face of danger. It symbolises fire, vitality and creation. Good for the eyes.


OLIVINE = PERIDOT = CHRYSOLITE – green (olive-oil) to yellow. It cures liver and intestinal disorders; it has a more powerful effect when put over gold. It has soothing effect; protects from evil in piercing.


OPAL – an amorphous mineral, flint. It improves health (tonicity). At times it makes the one wearing it unnoticeable. Some people say that it only brings luck to those born in October. Others argue that it brings luck to the rest, too, if it has been received as a gift in October. Black opal – brings luck; red opal – in the red colour range. It brings hope and achievements; gets its owner involved in new situations. If worn on the forehead, it enhances one’s perspicacity.


ROCK CRYSTAL = transparent QUARTZ – pure quartz relieves thirst. It is energy-charged and is used for crystal balls (strongly spiritualistic!). It brings rain; enhances communication; purifies the heart. It symbolises the infinity of space and time.


RUBY – this gemstone is red, transparent, highly energy-charged, related to vitality, fire and blood. It is good for the heart and is more powerful when you wear it on the left (hand). It keeps your thoughts clear, creates positive forces and makes you more focused.


SAPPHIRE – The precious one is transparent and most often blue. It protects from evil and black magic; brings truth, prosperity and cleansing. It cures eye diseases and other facial problems.


EMERALD = green BERYL. After the diamond, this is the hardest substance on the Earth. It is said to make its owner a purer and more organised person. It helps you have pleasant dreams and brings forth a wonderful future. It makes adults more tenacious and enduring; strengthens the memory and the intellect. If it is somewhere around, it protects from the evil eye; helps cure eye infections. It relieves labour pain and epileptic seizures. It should never be given as a gift on Monday because this brings bad luck. It is best to be given on Wednesday. For true love – clear gemstone. Love withers, the emerald, too.


TOPAZ – it can be colourless, water-clear, yellow, dark yellow or blue. It is very heat sensitive and changes its colour. It protects from seizures and traumas, as well as from nightmares, epidemics and from fear of death. Blue topaz – brings positive and good thoughts, calm and peace of mind. It helps one have a sound sleep. The yellow topaz is the most harmonious. It can stop haemorrhage.


TOURMALINE – brings good luck, motivation and will; used for meditation. Green tourmaline is good against heart diseases; red tourmaline brings perspicacity, selfless love and sympathy. There is also colourless and pink tourmaline.


TURQUOISE – This gemstone is closely related to the bowels of the earth. It gives wisdom, calm, honesty and friendship. It brings happiness and good health, especially of the eyes. It protects from the evil eye and traumas; helps hunters; protects against spider and snake bites. It helps for meditation (a gemstone for uplifting). It is best to be received as a present.


HAEMATITE (blood stone – haema means blood) – steel gray or red tinted; leaves a red streak. It contributes to the quality of blood, strengthens the memory and enhances vitality. The high iron content helps overcome anaemia and menstrual pains. It can help stop bleeding; brings success and balance; gives strength to those who exercise. It protects from hostile plans and helps in confrontations.


CITRINE = yellow QUARTZ. It helps clarify to ourselves what we want from life; good for the blood circulation and alleviates depression.


JASPER – impure QUARTZ; compact, opaque. Green jasper helps recover the sense of smell; red jasper stops bleeding, helps with gentle breathing and childbirth. There is also pink, ‘leopard’ and black jasper.




CORAL – increases fertility; protects from the evil eye. It is good for children (protects them). It is also important for the forces of creation; gives wisdom. Brown coral attacks evil spirits; red coral is for deep fidelity.


PEARL – symbolises innocence and fertility. It was believed to have brought sorrow, however this negative effect is neutralised when pearls are mixed with diamonds. The Pearl was also believed to have been an aphrodisiac. It cures depression and insanity; brings long life, sooths heart pains in the chest. This stone personifies truth and spiritual knowledge; protects virtuousness, cools hot temper; brings understanding and profundity.