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Online shop for beads, components and tools for jewelry and other creative projects



The present general conditions govern the order, procedure and conditions for sale and purchase through an online shop owned by PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD (hereinafter called ‘E-SHOP’). These conditions constitute a sale / purchase contract between PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD and the CUSTOMER. PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD provides the customer with the possibility to purchase goods offered through the E-SHOP by submitting a purchase requisition and paying the corresponding selling price, where the CUSTOMER complies with and observes the current GENERAL CONDITIONS.


‘SELLING PRICE’ shall mean the price per piece or per certain amount of goods with included VAT for Bulgaria, excluding the delivery costs of goods, unless otherwise stated.         

‘CUSTOMER PROFILE’ shall mean information about the CUSTOMER (name, surname, firm or organisation, address (city, region), postcode, telephone number, e-mail address, UIC/Identification Number, VAT Identification Number, accountable person etc.), submitted by the latter on completing a registration form and stored by the E-SHOP for the purposes laid down in these GENERAL CONDITIONS.         

‘CUSTOMER’ shall mean a natural or legal person placing an order with the E-SHOP.         

‘PRODUCER’ shall mean any person who is a professional in making the goods/articles offered through the E-SHOP, whose name/firm, production or another distinctive sign is designated on the goods, their packaging or the commercial documents relating to the goods.         

‘Goods and articles’ shall mean those advertised in the E-SHOP. Each of the articles has its main characteristics, image and selling price.         

The subject of activity of PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD is jewellery design and making, dealing in jewellery, beads, hats, and accessories; Unified Identification Code (UIC): 130997023; VAT Identification Number: BG130997023; seat and registered address: Sofia, No 38 Bigla Str. The company provides goods through an E-SHOP.         

Within the meaning of the current GENERAL CONDITIONS, the concepts below are used with the following meaning:


The E-SHOP does not guarantee availability of the items ordered. In case of impossibility to fulfil its obligations for the reason that it does not have the goods requested in stock, the E-SHOP informs the CUSTOMER within 5 (five) working days after receiving the purchase requisition – by calling the telephone number indicated in the registration form or by sending a message to an e-mail address given by the CUSTOMER – about the requested item being out of stock and about the possibility to change his/her order by own will. If a payment has been made and the CUSTOMER is not willing to change his/her order, the amount paid for the article/s/ ordered is refunded within 10 (ten) working days after receiving a feedback from the CUSTOMER.         

The publishing of the main characteristics of the goods and their selling prices in the E-SHOP is, in essence, a public invitation within the meaning of Art. 290, Paragraph 1 of the Law on Commerce to submit a purchase requisition in compliance with them.  

Purchase orders/requisitions

Registration information         

To be able to place valid purchase orders/requisitions for a purchase of articles offered through the E-SHOP, the Customer may register (by completing a registration form) or place an ‘anonymous’ order by providing information which is needed only for the delivery.         

The CUSTOMER provides the E-SHOP with the following information:         

For natural persons – name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address;

Every purchase requisition/order, submitted by the CUSTOMER through the E-SHOP on the basis of these GENERAL CONDITIONS, is placed and executed in fulfilment of the sale and purchase contract signed between the parties. In case of dispute about whose will is to be bound by the text of the current GENERAL CONDITIONS, a party to the contract is considered to be the person who paid the price of the goods ordered for purchase.

Acceptance of the GENERAL CONDITIONS – when placing an order, it is considered that the customer is familiar with these GENERAL CONDITIONS, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them.

For legal persons – name of the company or organisation, telephone number, e-mail address, Identification Number/UIC, VAT Identification Number. The CUSTOMER guarantees that the information provided in the registration form is true, complete and accurate, and that in case of change in data, he/she will inform the E-SHOP to update it in a timely manner. If the CUSTOMER provides false and/or outdated data, the E-SHOP has the right to stop maintaining the CUSTOMER’s registration immediately and without notice, as well as his/her access to his/her customer profile. The CUSTOMER bears full responsibility for his/her password protection and for all actions he/she or a third party performs by using it.

Procedure of placing a purchase requisition/order

If the address or the telephone number indicated when placing the requisition/order is incomplete, false or wrong, the latter is considered invalid and no obligation arises for the E-SHOP to fulfil it.

5. After clicking the button ‘SEND ORDER’, it is considered that the order for the purchase of goods through the E-shop has been placed.

4. The CUSTOMER fills in personal data required for the order – name, surname, e-mail, city, address, telephone, method of payment. If the customer wants an invoice, he/she writes in the name of the company or organisation, Unified Identification Code (UIC), VAT Identification Number, invoice address;

3. In the ‘SHOPPING BASKET’ the CUSTOMER determines the quantity of items and continues with completing the personal data needed for the order by clicking the virtual button ‘PAYMENT’;

2. After clicking the virtual button ‘VIEW THE SHOPPING BASKET’, he/she receives access to the ‘SHOPPING BASKET’ – a table in which he/she can regulate the number of items ordered;

1. Having come across the webpage related to htpp://, the CUSTOMER has the possibility to choose products and add them to a virtual basket by clicking the button ‘BUY’;

A purchase requisition/order is placed by the CUSTOMER, where the latter performs the following actions:

Receiving the purchase requisition/order

The order brings forth an action between the parties after checking the availability of the articles ordered for purchase and after confirming their validity on the contact phone number given by the CUSTOMER or by sending a message to the CUSTOMER’s e-mail address.

The E-SHOP accepts the requisition/order by sending a message to the CUSTOMER’s e-mail address. The message contains the following information: name, registered address, e-mail address and data for correspondence of PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD, information about the main characteristics of the goods ordered, their selling price, the amount of postal or transportation costs that are not included in the selling price but are related to the delivery of the items ordered, the method of payment chosen by the CUSTOMER, the data provided for issuing an invoice and address of delivery, the CUSTOMER’s right to withdraw from or terminate the contract, the terms and method of exercising this right.

Prices and methods of payment

The price and the delivery costs can be paid in one of the following ways:

All prices of goods in the E-SHOP are in Bulgarian levs, with included VAT. At the request of the CUSTOMER, the items can be shown without VAT. The prices are per unit and do not include the delivery costs, unless otherwise stated.

a) by cash payment on delivery made by the Customer or a third party on behalf of the CUSTOMER;         

b) through a bank    


The goods are delivered in appropriate packaging, according to their type and the delivery transport.

The goods ordered are delivered at the address specified by the CUSTOMER within 7 (seven) working days for Bulgaria. For other countries it is according to the delivery time limit of the courier company which is to make the delivery.

Delivery of the goods

The CUSTOMER shall keep the goods received and shall not use them in order to preserve their quality and safety. The E-SHOP shall refund the full amount paid by the CUSTOMER not later than 15 (fifteen) working days as from the date on which the CUSTOMER exercised some of his/her rights of withdrawal.
A CUSTOMER who is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act has the right, without owing compensation or penalty and without specifying a reason, to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of goods through the E-SHOP and return them within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of their receipt.
In case the CUSTOMER withdraws from or terminates the concluded contract within the period under the preceding sentence, he/she shall submit a contract withdrawal statement and return the goods undamaged and intact, together with all the accompanying documents, without any external or internal defects, in the original packaging of the manufacturer, including, but not limited to, the polystyrene or other protective elements placed by the manufacturer, protective foils, marks etc., where the delivery costs shall be at the expense of the CUSTOMER. The contract withdrawal statement shall be sent to address: Sofia, No 6 TRI USHI Str., to the following e-mail address:

In the above cases the CUSTOMER may demand replacement of the goods delivered with goods corresponding to the purchase order by submitting a written request to the E-SHOP.

After receiving the goods, the CUSTOMER has the right to demand their return in case of a significant defect that could not be established in a routine examination.

- the goods or their packaging have been damaged during transportation. After receiving the goods, the CUSTOMER is entitled to their return in case of a significant defect of the goods or damaged packaging.

- it is obvious that the goods delivered do not correspond to those offered for purchase by the CUSTOMER and this can be verified by simply examining them;

The CUSTOMER has the right to reject the goods he/she has ordered for purchase when:

Dishonest customers who do not take the orders confirmed and sent to them are removed from our customer list and are limited from placing other orders on the website!

The goods are delivered to the CUSTOMER or to a third party which accepts and confirms their receipt on behalf of the CUSTOMER by signing the accompanying documents within 6 (six) calendar days from receiving the notice of availability of the goods to be received with the courier. In case the CUSTOMER is not found at the address specified by him/her within the delivery time or if access and conditions for delivering the goods within the specified time are not provided, the E-SHOP is exempted from its obligation to deliver the goods ordered for purchase. The CUSTOMER may confirm his/her wish to receive the goods even after expiry of the delivery period, when he/she was not found at the address, in which case he/she assumes all the costs for the second delivery. A new delivery period begins from the moment of the confirmation under the preceding sentence. Consignments (parcels) unclaimed by their recipients within 6 (six) days from the date of the consignment arrival at the recipient’s address or at the courier’s office are returned to us! 

The 14-day withdrawal period does not apply to: custom-made goods or obviously personalised articles (e.g. a hat made to order)

PAOLA APOLONIA Ltd. respects the confidentiality of your data and guarantees its lawful processing and protection according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.4.2016.
Personal data are all those data that may be related to a particular person or person who can be identified such as your name, phone number, postal or email address.
The use of our website is impossible without the provision of personal data.
For the purpose of handling your order, we store and process your own and last name, address, email and phone number . We do not require a credit card or bank account number.
The data required for the execution of the contract for the purchase and sale of goods are provided only to the extent necessary for other third parties (eg courier services) within the registration and for the sale of goods. Our service providers have the right to use the data provided solely for the fulfillment of their obligations, but not for any other purpose.
Our website allows you to make a purchase of goods. For this purpose, we provide your data in case of need
the following payment service providers listed in the process of booking. Payment can only be made through
the online payment methods specified in the store.

- Payment payments are processed by SPEEDY AD, UIC 131371780, address of management: Sofia 1138, Mladost district, 22 Abagar Str., Sofia City Logistics Park, Administrative building, 5th floor, represented by Valeri Mektupchiyan, email:, tel .: 028173999

- Financial claims are processed by UNITED BULGARIAN BANK (UBB) AD, UIC 000694959
Processing your personal data for marketing communications is an agreement we provide personally (for example, by filling in email form on our site) or automatically collect certain data when you use our web site using

Paola Apolonia Ltd does not provide any third party personal data for advertising purposes.

For matters that have remained unsettled by the current GENERAL CONDITIONS, the provisions of the legislation in force in the Republic of Bulgaria shall be applicable.
Upon receipt of the explicit statement of rejection, the sale/purchase contract shall be considered terminated. The amendments to the GENERAL CONDITIONS do not affect the relationships between the CUSTOMER and PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD, arising in connection with a requisition for purchase of goods, validly submitted prior to the In case of changes in the current GENERAL CONDITIONS, the CUSTOMER can declare that he/she rejects the changes by sending a statement of rejection of the changes to address: Sofia, No 6 TRI USHI Str. or to the following e-mail address:
These GENERAL CONDITIONS have been in force since 1 July 2016. PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD reserves the right to change the current GENERAL CONDITIONS at any time, duly publishing the changes on its website:
PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD guarantees inviolability of the information containing personal data, provided by the CUSTOMERS. Disclosure is only possible in cases when the information is required by state authorities or state officials empowered by law to require and collect information containing personal data, complying with the legally established order. Accepting these GENERAL CONDITIONS, the Customer agrees to have his/her personal data processed for the purposes of direct marketing. The CUSTOMER has the right to challenge the processing of his/her personal data by sending a written message to the abovementioned contact addresses.
PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD does not guarantee that access to the E-SHOP will be uninterrupted, timely, safe and free from errors, provided this is beyond the powers, control and will of PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD. The company does not bear responsibility for non-providing access to the E-SHOP, neither does it for the non-processing or the untimely processing of purchase orders in the event of circumstances that are beyond its control – cases of force majeure, chance events, problems in the global network and in the provision of services outside the control of PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD.

PAOLA APOLOGNA LTD sees to it that the E-SHOP information is always true and up-to-date, but does not guarantee its veracity and completeness.